Friday, November 18, 2011

God is good! What a glorious day for a feast.
We had a great turn out.
A great, big thank you goes out to our moms who organized, set up, served and cleaned up!
A huge thank you goes out to Kadra Parkman who gifted us with those adorable cookies!
The kids were precious and we had a fabulous day.

When we return from Thanksgiving Holidays we will be learning about:

Reading - Long i (ie, igh, ign, ild, ind)
English - Verbs
Math - Mixed Practice (addition and subtraction)
Social Studies - Maps
Bible - Mary and the Angel
Verse - Luke 2:7

Over the break - please check all of your child's outerwear.
Jackets have gone home with the wrong owners and we need to track them down.
If your child's name is not in his/her outerwear this would be a good time to do that.

Enjoy your break and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving!