Friday, May 11, 2012

Thank you for a fabulous year!
I have enjoyed your children so much.
It's going to be hard to let them go.

We will be doing End of the Year activities next week.
Monday and Tuesday are full days.
Wednesday and Thursday are half days - 11:15 dismissal.

Wednesday is the Semester Celebration at 8:15 in Willett Hall.
You have received word if your child's name will be called out.
Thursday is Field Day. Parents are welcome to attend both!

In closing, let me encourage you to enjoy your summer but,
PLEASE read and practice math flashcards with your child
so he/she will have a strong start for next year!


Friday, May 4, 2012

I can't remember when I've had such a wonderful birthday!
Thank you!

We will round out the school year with some fun and a
few challenges...just to get ready for next year.
We will be learning about:

Reading - Fairy Tales
English - A little something special for our Moms
Spelling - We will have words but, the test won't count
Math - 2 Two Digit Subtraction WITH borrowing
           They did great with regrouping with addition.
           Mistakes were typically in addition NOT in "how to".
Science - Plants
Bible - Elijah and Elisha
Verse - We will review all of Psalm 23 (no reciting)

It has been a fabulous year.
I really can't believe how close to the end it is.
I'm going to soak up as much of them as I can!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Baseball did not disappoint!
They had a pun intended.

As we are winding down - we are ramping up the fun.
Please encourage your child to watch his/her behavior this last little bit.
We've had a good year and I want to end on a good note!

Next week we'll be as busy as ever.
We'll be studying about:

Reading - Arthur's Funny Money
English - Noun/Verb Review
Math - Year End Review
Science - Space /  Plants
Bible - Elijah
Verse - Psalm 23:6

Friday, April 20, 2012

We had so much fun with dinosaurs this week!
We'll be reading a book about baseball next week.
It should be a hit!

The concert was so sweet.
I am glad so many people were able to attend.

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - The Littlest Leaguer
English - Persuasive Writing
Math - 2 Digit Mixed Practice
Science - Objects in the Sky
Bible - David and Jonathan
Verse - Psalm 23:5

A good many students are still needing fingers or a number line to add and
subtract. While most are getting the right answers - we need to be moving
away from these methods. If they could work on their facts to 10 (for sure)
and to 12 (for good measure) - it will pay off next year!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tah-Tah Day was an absolute blast!
We had so much fun!!!

Next week we will have a different kind of fun...
We will rotate classes for special reading activities!
We will also be learning about:

Reading - Nate the Great and the Missing Stamp
English - BOOK REPORTS!!!!! They are due Monday.
We will share them orally during the week.
I hope they had a good time doing them!
Math - 2 Digit Subtraction - no borrowing
Science - Objects in the Sky
Bible - David and Goliath
Verse - Psalm 23:4
THURSDAY is the Ahna's Angel Concert at Mulder.
I can't wait! It's always so good.

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sorry - I left off the due date for the book reports.
They are due next Monday the 16th!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hopefully, by now, you've had a chance to look over our sample book report.
The children were so excited about picking their books for the individual reports!
I just want to say again that these books are not intended to be at the top of their
reading level. I wanted books that could easily be read so the focus could be the
report itself. That being said - you can absolutely read it with your child.
THEY should write the summary in their own words. YOU should double check
it for correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc. I have stressed to the children
that this should not be done in 1 night. We took 4 days to work on the sample!

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - various stories with a focus on Ira Sleeps Over
English - Letter Writing
Math - 2 Digit Addition without regrouping
Social Studies - Our Country
Bible - David
Verse - Psalm 23:3

I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed Easter!