Friday, April 6, 2012

Hopefully, by now, you've had a chance to look over our sample book report.
The children were so excited about picking their books for the individual reports!
I just want to say again that these books are not intended to be at the top of their
reading level. I wanted books that could easily be read so the focus could be the
report itself. That being said - you can absolutely read it with your child.
THEY should write the summary in their own words. YOU should double check
it for correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc. I have stressed to the children
that this should not be done in 1 night. We took 4 days to work on the sample!

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - various stories with a focus on Ira Sleeps Over
English - Letter Writing
Math - 2 Digit Addition without regrouping
Social Studies - Our Country
Bible - David
Verse - Psalm 23:3

I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed Easter!