Friday, December 9, 2011

The Angels did a marvelous job last night!
Thank you for getting your angel made all the difference!

I cannot believe that we only have one more week before Christmas break.
Time is flying by.

We will continue serious learning - mixed in with lots of fun.
Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Long u
English - Nouns and Verbs
Math - Money
Science - Sound
Bible - The Shepherds and The Wise Men
Verse - No verse this week!

Our party will be Thursday at 2:00.
Friday is an early dismissal day.

I will see you next week!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wow! What a busy week we've had!
We've attended special Christmas programs as well as our regular routine this week.
Christmas is a busy time for us all...
With that said - let me thank you for allowing your child to sing Thursday night.

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Long o (oa, oe, ow, old, oll)
English - Nouns and Verbs
Math - Money***
Science - Heat, Light and Sound
Bible - Jesus Is Born
Verse - Luke 2:11

*** Money can be a difficult concept for first graders to grasp.
They will need to be able to identify the coins, their values and count mixed coins.
A tip that has helped reluctant learners in the past is for Mom or Dad to empty change from their pockets. If the child can correctly count it - they get to keep it!!!

Next Friday - Dec. 9th will be the cut off date for grades counting towards the 2nd 9 weeks.
All graded work from the following week will count on the 3rd 9 weeks report card.
This way you will have seen all of the grades for the reporting period.

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2011

God is good! What a glorious day for a feast.
We had a great turn out.
A great, big thank you goes out to our moms who organized, set up, served and cleaned up!
A huge thank you goes out to Kadra Parkman who gifted us with those adorable cookies!
The kids were precious and we had a fabulous day.

When we return from Thanksgiving Holidays we will be learning about:

Reading - Long i (ie, igh, ign, ild, ind)
English - Verbs
Math - Mixed Practice (addition and subtraction)
Social Studies - Maps
Bible - Mary and the Angel
Verse - Luke 2:7

Over the break - please check all of your child's outerwear.
Jackets have gone home with the wrong owners and we need to track them down.
If your child's name is not in his/her outerwear this would be a good time to do that.

Enjoy your break and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I hope you enjoy your long weekend...
Rest up because next week we will hit the road running!

We will be learning about:

Reading - long e (ea. ee)
English - review
Math - Addition to 12
Social Studies - Thanksgiving
Bible - Psalm 100
Verse - Psalm 100 Each child will be assigned a portion of this psalm.

The Thanksgiving Feast is this Friday! (Can you believe Thanksgiving is here?!!)
Children will wear their outfit of choice - Pilgrim or Native American - to school Friday.
The feast will begin at 10:30 in the Concession Area. An information sheet will be
home in the Red Folder Monday.

We will have all of the subjects and graded work normally planned for a Friday.

By the way... all of the "turkeys" are precious!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We have soooo enjoyed our week this week.
We seemed to run out of time almost every day.
I asked the kids if they would bring their pajamas one day so we could finish.
I didn't get many takers - until I offered to throw in pizza!

We are finished with "review" sounds in Reading.
We will spend one week on each of the long vowel sounds - spellings and all!
Check the back of the November calendar for weekly flashcards.

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - long a (ai,ay)
English - Pronouns
Math - Addition to 12
Social Studies - Maps
Bible - Joash
Verse - Proverbs 3:5-6

We will NOT have school on Friday the 11th.
I will send spelling words home this Friday since the test will be on Thursday.
The Bible Verse will be recited on Thursday as well!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday!
Your child is important to me and I want to do all that I can to help
him/her have a successful - and even fun - year!

Next week is a full week....Yea!
We will have lots to do.
We will be learning about:

Reading - e on the end (We call her Ethel. We'll learn a "secret" about her.)
English - Special Nouns
Math - < >, 1 more/1 less, 10 more/10 less
Science - Liquids
Social Studies - Communities
Bible - Josiah
Verse - Proverbs 3:6

Thanks again for yesterday!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

WOW! What an exciting week!!!
I would say that next week will be back to normal but, with a short week for the kids, that wouldn't be entirely truthful.
I am looking forward to meeting with you on Friday.
It's always nice to touch base and keep you informed.
I promise to keep our visits short and sweet so you can get on with your day -
especially since your kids will be home!

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - ar, or, er, ir, ur
English - Nouns
Math - Place Value tens and ones
Science - Liquids
Bible - Josiah
Verse - Prov. 3:5

I'll see you next week!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The angels did a fabulous job Thursday!
Thank you so much for coming. It meant a lot to have you there!

Homecoming is next week and with Homecoming comes lots of fun.
You should have received an email from the school listing the themes for each day.
The parade begins at 11:15 on Friday and will last about 15 minutes. You are invited.
After the parade we will return to the classroom to vote on our favorite float!
I will be sending home a note Monday about your plans for Friday.
Your choices are:
1. Your child leaves with you after the vote.
2. Your child leaves with you after the vote and you go to the picnic. (Last day to order lunch is Tues.)
3. Your child stays with me and goes to the picnic.
a. You order your child a picnic lunch.
b. You send a lunch with your child.
If your child stays with me please be aware that we will have 12:30 dismissal.

As difficult as it may be, we DO continue with learning.
Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh)
English - Punctuation and Daily Edit
An information sheet will be in the Red Folder about Daily Edit.
The first week of Daily Edit is PRACTICE and will not be counted.
Math - Ordinal Numbers
Science - Solids and Liquids
Bible - Joseph
Verse - No New Verse We will review some of God's promises previously learned.

Enjoy your weekend and the cooler weather!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

MONDAY is a holiday!!!
NO SCHOOL. Enjoy the extra day doing something fun!

When we return to school on Tuesday we will hit the ground running.
Remember - Thursday, the 13th is our first Angel Concert.
Tickets can be purchased ahead of time for $5.00.
Double check Angel outfits!

We WILL be squeezing in some learning too!

Reading - ack, eck, ick, ock, uck
English - Punctuation
Math - Subtraction
Science - Solids and Liquids
Bible - Jacob
Verse - Gen. 28:15

I will send home Spelling Words Friday since we will not be here Monday.
I am working on the Parent Conference Day schedule.
I am trying my best to match older siblings times so you can go back to back.
I will send a copy home ASAP.
Also, Tuesday begins our 2nd Nine Weeks!!!
How did that happen?!

Friday, September 30, 2011

What an incredible day for a field trip!
We had a blast!!!

You may have noticed that the work is getting a little harder and the pace is picking up.
Please encourage your child to PAY ATTENTION.
I tell them all the time that if they are paying attention - I will walk them through.
Some of them are running ahead of me, some are dawdling and some are right with me.
I want everyone to get the most out of first grade as possible!

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Short cuts (an, en, in, on, un)
English - Animal Reports - We will be learning how to write a report - in class
Math - Subtraction
Science - Solids
Bible - Abraham

A special note...
My husband has served as the president of Kiwanis this past year.
Tuesday, the 4th, Kiwanis is honoring him with a luncheon.
Therefore, I will not be at school.
I will tell the kids that I will not be there but, I wanted to give you a heads up
in case your child needs a little extra reassurance that all is well. A rash of "stomach aches" may
occur and I wanted you to know why.
I will be back Wednesday!

Enjoy this wonderful weather this weekend!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Save the Date!!!

Ahna's Angels will sing at The Holiday Market on Oct.13th at 12:00!

Everybody who loves your "angel" is welcome to attend. (There is a cost to get in.)

The children will be riding on a chartered bus...they LOVE this!

You can meet us there and stay to get a head start on your holiday shopping.

We will return to school for our normal activities afterwards.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed's birthday in a most delicious way!

As we enter the fall, the calendar seems to fill up with lots of fun activities.
This week we will have our Daddy Field Trip on Friday.
This is a REGULAR school day - meaning we will continue with Spelling, Reading, Math
and Bible when we return.

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Blends and Clusters
English - Writing
Math - Addition
Science - Animals
Bible - Noah
Verse - Gen. 9:11

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Well...we have already had tons of fun with animals and there's more to come next week!
We've had a great week and I am looking forward to next week.

We will be learning about:

Reading - Short Vowel Review
English - Asking Sentences
Math - Addition
Science - Animals
Bible - Rules
Verse - Eph. 6:1-3

Next Friday is the Fall Festival.
It begins at 1:30 and lasts until 3:00.
You are most welcome join us. Just pick up your child at our classroom door!
You will find more information about the Festival in the Red Folders on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We have had a very productive week!
I guess the long weekend was a good thing after all...
Or was it the nice cool weather?!!

In the Red Folders on Monday you will find a Mid-Term Progress Report.
This report will have your child's grades at THIS point.
You may keep this report.

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Short u
English - Telling Sentences
Math - Fact Families and Skip Counting
Science - Animals
Bible - Work
Verse - Eph. 6:1-2

Enjoy your weekend and Go Wildcats!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I don't know about you but, I have mixed emotions about Labor Day.
It seems like just when we get in the groove - wham - a holiday.
However, respites are wonderful and I won't look a gift horse in the mouth!
I hope you enjoy your time with your family.

We we return we will be learning about:

Reading - Short o
English - Is it a sentence?
Math - Subtraction from 10
Science - Living and Non-Living; Animals
Bible - Creation (Man)
Verse - Eph. 6:2

We are almost ready to start reading rotations! Yea!
Things get really exciting when rotations start.

I'll see your sweet little ones on Tuesday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Grade is always full of surprises!
Eating "dominos" and "bird nests"...what could be next?
Stay tuned to find out.

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Short i
English - Rhyming Words
Math - Subtraction from 6
Social Studies - My School
Bible - Creation Animals
Verse - Eph. 6:1

2 reminders...
Individual picture day is Wednesday.
We will not have school on Labor Day. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is your little one tired? It's perfectly understandable. We have now been to all of our special teachers and had a fire drill - on top of our regular classroom activities!

Look for some AR information in Monday's Weekly Folder. The pamphlet will direct you on how to access your child's AR information from home. I will write his/her username and password on the pamphlet in case they don't remember them. Speaking of AR...some of your children are chomping at the bit to take tests. That's wonderful! However, right now, we have been in training mode for all of our routines and it just takes a little longer to get things done. As soon as everyone is in the groove - there will be more time to take the tests. We are almost there!

Next week we will be learning about:

Reading - Short e
English - Following Directions
Math - Addition to 10
Social Studies - My School
Bible - Creation ( Sky, Plants, Sun, Moon and Stars)
Verse - Gen. 1:31

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2011

We had a great start to our new year!
Everyone seems to be settling in just fine.
We spent the majority of our time reviewing this week and will begin our 1st grade work Monday.

Each week I will list here what we will be learning about the next week.
This simply gives you a heads-up.

Reading - short a
English - classification
Math - Addition to 6
Social Studies - Manners
Bible - Creation/Day and Night
Verse - Gen. 1:1

Please look at the snack section of the First Grade Handbook.
Juice, colored water and chocolate need to be saved for home.
Otherwise, all is well!

Have a great weekend and get plenty of rest.
Our first full week will be here soon.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Welcome to First Grade!

I am so excited about this year. I have been praying for our class since last year. I know that God has placed each child exactly where he/she should be.

I will see you on Wednesday!

Please remember to subscribe to my blog so you will receive my weekly updates.