We've attended special Christmas programs as well as our regular routine this week.
Christmas is a busy time for us all...
With that said - let me thank you for allowing your child to sing Thursday night.
Next week we will be learning about:
Reading - Long o (oa, oe, ow, old, oll)
English - Nouns and Verbs
Math - Money***
Science - Heat, Light and Sound
Bible - Jesus Is Born
Verse - Luke 2:11
*** Money can be a difficult concept for first graders to grasp.
They will need to be able to identify the coins, their values and count mixed coins.
A tip that has helped reluctant learners in the past is for Mom or Dad to empty change from their pockets. If the child can correctly count it - they get to keep it!!!
Next Friday - Dec. 9th will be the cut off date for grades counting towards the 2nd 9 weeks.
All graded work from the following week will count on the 3rd 9 weeks report card.
This way you will have seen all of the grades for the reporting period.
Enjoy your weekend!