Friday, February 17, 2012

I am so sorry that I wasn't able to come to the Valentine's Party.
I have not missed a school party - EVER!!! So, know that I did not come
to the conclusion to stay home lightly. I've never seen my fellow that sick.

I am reaching out for a little help in recapturing good behavior from our class.
As one might expect - having a sub for 2 days, kind of made the kids think that
they were in charge. And they were a bit reluctant to relinquish their new found
status. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

With another short week ahead of us - we will hit the road running next week.
We will be learning about:

Reading - oi, oy
English - capitals and commas
Math - review
Social Studies - Land and Water
Bible - The "Lost" Stories

I sent the Spelling Words home Thursday.
We went over what they mean and how to sort them.
It's a bit easier to study if they'll remember that oi comes in the word and oy at the end.
The only exception is oyster.
There is NO dictation sentence for these words!

Enjoy the long weekend.
Do something really fun!!!